Trey has been asking if we could make a treat to bring to his class...My first reaction... um... no?
Apparantly some of the kids have brought little treats for the class on their birthdays and since Trey's birthday is during the holidays we kind-of missed that boat. Initially, I shrugged it off. No big deal. Treats-shmeats.
Then, DJ tells me that Trey mentioned it again and said... "Dad, I just don't want to be left out..." Ugh. Straight to the heart. My sweet little boy.
So what do I do? I make every attempt to over-achieve. This is how I roll folks. Do you see why school was so stressful for me?!
I won't even begin to tell you the PROCESS that we undertook to get to this final product... let's just say it took all day...there was sugar and dough and other random ingredients flung about my kitchen... and I basically ate my weight in sugar. Yay for class treats! *Twitch* *Twitch*
Trey helped decorate the cookies and had SO much fun. But the best part, I think he's PROUD to be taking these to school tomorrow. That's all I need.
Now onto the second photo of the day. My second son has so much personality he's practically overflowing... he is full of energy and spunk and attitude and makes me laugh, scream, and want to fall on the floor EVERY day. So this....
... is just par for the course. Pen. on. the. face.
Whew. I will sleep well tonight.
Next... some biz stuff.
~ K